One wisdom
2023 新年伊始,整理 2022 的陳年筆記時發現有很多不知名,但是又捨不得丟棄的句子,想着乾脆把他們做成引用得了。連着建倉庫,設計頁面,寫腳本一套下來也沒花太多時間,一個簡單的靜態自動部署的網站就建好了: One1.
Repo Meta
Tech stack
- Jekyll
- Github Action
- Every single page for quote; Detail2 is following:
See the Pen quotes by bGZo (@bgzo) on CodePen.
- Generate quote by syncing Github issues with metadata;
- Deploy with Vercel
- SEO supported by plugin.
- More functions, like mobile views, share links, quote tags.
- When the quotes increasing huge, how to generate page smartly? Is possible to make a API service?3
Name inspired by 「ONE · 一個」; ↩
Page design parody for Words of Wisdom; ↩
Jekyll is just a static website generation. Seem like impossible to deliver value from jekyll to js. More discuss via: Jekyll - display a random chosen post in index - Stack Overflow; ↩